Sunday, August 14, 2011


If you are unfamiliar with these terms you either dont own an Iphone, or you do but you are one of those Iphone users that only sync once a year and don't use the phone for much else but to call and maybe, (this is a big maybe) facebook.

Instagram is a photo/social media app. it's the latest and biggest thing. Go check it out it's amazing. There is just one problem with it: it's data hungry and I would advise anyone who plans on getting addicted to it to get addicted over a wifi network. is the web version of Instagram and you can view all you photos online, with info on your stats and likes. Anyway go check it you if you have an Iphone.

Instagram is available here
Statigram is available here

You can check out some of my own photos over here

Hope you Enjoy it and become as addicted as we are.


  1. you do know that there are some undies on the wire behind you... lovely smiles tho... :)

  2. oh my word! A bra, there is also a BRA!
